How do we make a global variable accessible across files?
Explain the extern keyword?
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main() { int a=0; if(a=0) printf("Ramco Systems\n"); printf("India\n"); } output?
main() { int a=4,b=2; a=b<<a + b>>2; printf("%d", a); }
11 Answers HCL, Vector, Vector India, Vector Solutions, Wipro,
main() { char as[] = "\\0\0"; int i = 0; do{ switch( as[i++]) {case '\\' : printf("A"); break; case 0 : printf("B"); break; default : printf("C"); break; }} while(i<3); }
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is compiler do read the data line by line or not. ??
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Explain what does the characters 'r' and 'w' mean when writing programs that will make use of files?
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