what is data base testing, explain with example
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Answer / murugesh(corporate trainer)
Database Testing: It is used to retrive data from the database.
Database Types:1.>Data Validation.
2.>Data Integration.
Data Validation: To check whether all the datas entered in
front end will be stored in the database or not.
Data Integration: To check whether the modified data will be
stored in the database or not.
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we do database testing to validate and verify the data,
whether it is populating properly in the appropriate columns
and rows or not. sometime we do database testing by
retrieving the data from the database and sometimes to
create test data and see how it is populating in the backend.
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Testing the backend db like comparing the actual results
with expected results.
DB testing basically include the following
1)Data Validity testing
2)Data Integrity testing
3)Performance related to database.
4)Testing of procedure, truggers and functions.
For doing Data validity testing you should be good in
SQL queries, for data intigrity testing u should know abt
reerential integrity and different constraint.
For performance related things u should have idea abt the
table structure and design.
For testing procedure triggers and functions u should be
able to understand the same.
Thanks & Regards
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Answer / n@n!
data base testing : testing the front end impact on back
end in the form of data validations and data integration.
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