Why you are interested in a civil position?

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Why you are interested in a civil position? ..

Answer / thakkar mohini

Thakkar Mohini

I am interested in civil Position beacuse in Criminal
Position, to built up carrier for a lady is very hard
because in this feild many pollution and cultural lady are
mostly restrcted from home to join this feild and in Civil
POsition there is nothing like this, in this work pollution
is there but not dull like Crimkinal Position.

And moreover many persons choose Criminal Position becasue
it is proftable poisition to whiom, for that persons who
wants to earn money only.

And as per the this model junration both are same.

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Why you are interested in a civil position? ..

Answer / antriksh saxena

the basic reason behind my interest in civil practise is
that the competetion in this field is very less and there
are much more opportunities to devlop myself.

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