Types of storage and scope of each type

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Types of storage and scope of each type..

Answer / mike

Types of storage class variables in C++:

Automatic variables are those which are local to a function
and which are created when the function is called and
destroyed when the function is exited. The memory is
allocated and deallocated on the stack as and when the
function is called and exited.

External variables are global variables and are accessible
to all the functions in the program. They exist throughout
the program.Memory is set when they have have been declared
and will remain till the end of the program.

Static variables are like external varibles which will be
declared within a function and will maintain their values
between function calls.They also exist until throughout the

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Types of storage and scope of each type..

Answer / p.mathiazhagan

There four types of storage is available.

The first three is explained before answer...

Register variable are not using the memory. It stored
in registers. It is mainly used to fast access then
previous storage. But, It has some limitation for declaring
the variable

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