Write a program that will count the number of digits in an
input integer up to value MAX_VALUE (2147483647). Thus, for
an input of 5837 the output should be
4 digits
Make sure that your program works for the numbers 0, 1, and
10. For the number 0, the output should be
1 digit

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Write a program that will count the number of digits in an input integer up to value MAX_VALUE (214..

Answer / usama azam

int main ()
int num;
cout<<"enter the number ";
if (num>=0 && num<=9)
cout<<"You have entered one digit";
else if (num>=10 && num<=99)
cout<<"You have entered two digits";

else if (num>=100 && num<=999)
cout<<"You have entered three digits";

else if (num>=1000 && num<=9999)
cout<<"You have entered four digits";

else if (num>=10000 && num<=99999)
cout<<"You have entered five digits";

else if (num>=100000 && num<=999999)
cout<<"You have entered six digits";

else if (num>=1000000 || num<=9999999)
cout<<"You have entered seven digits";
return 0;


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Write a program that will count the number of digits in an input integer up to value MAX_VALUE (214..

Answer / sandeep mannarakkal

I have another suggestion for the above,
int iInputNumber;// This number is used for collecting input from user.
int nCount = 1;
while ( iInputNumber /10 )
iInputNumber = iInputNumber/10;
nCount ++;
cout << nCount << endl; // nCount will have the count of digits.

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