How family law will be affected by the change?

How family law will be affected by the change?..

Answer / thakkar mohini

First thing is that India is a men sound country where men
counting is higher than girl. Now regarding with the Family
Law of India is affected by change is point wise like this :

1. About Section 498 : This section is misused by ladies
and though i am a girl my grivence is that if you can give
same status in society to lady than why differ act or
sections for them.

Chnage : FIR after investifation :- Most comlaints are
fake and i think 95% are fake under this section and if FIR
loadged without investigation directaly than husband or
others will have to suffer from the unminded consequences
and their social image as well as social prestige will be
in cloud and moreover, thier criminal record taken place
withot any reasonable reason.

Another chage is this act is if wife withdraw the complaint
than wife has no remedy to file complaint in futhure under
any act as punishment so that wife will think twice before
loadge the complaint. I think this clause should be amended
as well as possible.

2. HMP Act :
i) Any of the spouse can get divorce immediate and they
have to be free from the long process and if it is happen
than we can stop down the allegations, court burden, paper
work. As most cases's end is "Samadhan" only that why to
wait for such long period and who will be the liable for
the vest age gap of any of the spouse.

ii) Some clauses have to amende in the section 24 of the
Act that when wife is not liable for the maintennance as
wife is enjoying the rupee and husband and his family have
to face many difficulties. Which is reality and trend of
modern running generation and effect of recession.

3)Section 125 of CrPc :

In this section amendment or clause is required is that
person who is asking for the maintenance specificaaly wife
than, when wife has a degree only that he is not able to
get maintenace or she is not enetile for maintenance as
wife want to extort the husband and want money from two
sides and in this situation husband is in trouble as he
can't ask from anyone when wife is from husband, grand
mother, grand father, husband's property.

iii) after filling of the HMP by any spose no any other
complaint loaged against the petitioner as wives are
loadging compliants against husband and his family members
after HMP as a counter blast so this situation can be avoid
for fare justice.

4) Doemstic Violence Act :

i) As oer me this is the rubbish act in the India.

ii) in this act one clause o "shared household" this have
to chnange as many of the wives are harrsing the husband's
family by entering in their house and giving thefts.

iii) Ladies invovement : This is the wordst side of the act
that lady family memeber of the matrimonial home can joined
as party.

By accepting this practice what effect done that Husband's
sister if married than she has to face trouble from her
matrimonial home and her happy family will be at end and if
she is unmarried than she has to face many problems to

And moreover i want to say is that in Indian Country or
india is a famous for shy and respective country amongst
others as here is the some special social rules are here so
my think is that Indian Country can't accept any law by
disussing in the Internation Meeting as indian country is
different from foriegn as there is fast law process where
here is not, there is practical attitude where here is
ecoiest as well as social attitude. So some time copy will
be harmfull for whole nation.

This amendemed should required in the family Law for
avoinding disputes between more than two families.

As this is a partial law.

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