In front end if you enter one record it will be inserted in
to 20 tables in back How you are going to test in
Manually whether data is going properly in to concern data
tables or not? Is there any better solution to do that
instead of opening the table and checking individually?

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In front end if you enter one record it will be inserted in to 20 tables in back How you ar..

Answer / dadasaheb

After inserting record you need to open that record in edit
mode (using edit option if you have) then you can check
whether inserted details are save in there concern 20 tables
or not. This is the way to check without checking in DB.
If inserted details get save properly in there concern
tables then it should open in edit mode.

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In front end if you enter one record it will be inserted in to 20 tables in back How you ar..

Answer / aruna

if u have a search option/module maintained in your
application try giving data(of your record) of the field
requested and search for the result
see if there is any other module in which the fields of your
record are populated..check in that module

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In front end if you enter one record it will be inserted in to 20 tables in back How you ar..

Answer / uday n

There is no other option other than opening the tables and
validating the data insertion.

You may try with this example, but make sure that the data
insertion accuracy.

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In front end if you enter one record it will be inserted in to 20 tables in back How you ar..

Answer / vasu

if u go for tools like qtp...ect then you will get the
database check point.

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