What r all the security problems u r facing & the measures
taken to solve.

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More Manual Testing Interview Questions

exactly what is the purpose of configuration mgt tool? also give some examples?

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What is Sanity Testing?

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At what stage of the life cycle does testing begin in your opinion?

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can anyone tell me process of how the bugs r reported by testers??n after reporting bugs is the work of test engineer finished or still he has to do any thing????

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Use-cases can provide useful input into the design of black-box and state-based tests of OO software.is it true

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what are the techniques used for writing functional test case ?

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Hi,iam geetha i want to know about the different type of testing for the webapplications. Since iam doing only manual testing, i want in full details about webapplication testing. Thanks in advance

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Hi Friends How can we do manual testing? Is it similar to QTP? can some one give real time examples or point me to some websites or books where i can practice manual testing. pls give some ideas. It would be great help. Thanx & regards sunitha.

1 Answers   Belcan,

Can anybody explain me branch/decision coverage with a example.

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Hello. I am not here to answer your question. I jus found a job as software QA engr. And i am totally new to software testing. So can someone pls help me in the following scenario? there is this registration screen, and it contain: One textbox called Nickname which only accept alphanumerical One textbox called Contact which only accept numerical, One textbox called Email which can be filled with alphanumerical and symbol and One button called Register now becos there is so many textboxes, where i can filled with alphabet, number, symbol, "just space", leading zeros, leading space. there will be lots of combination. can someone pls help.. i will be appreciated if u can post the test case of the scenario i mentioned. Lots of Thanks

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I want to do certification in ISTQB please anybody hepl me with the details and site to refer for further details.............if possible give me the material as well on my mail id a.vishwakarma@aol.com. Please help me........Thanks

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May I have to create another test case document for Adhoc Testing, Smoke Testing and all?

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