How to deploy web appliction in web logic ?
Create a war file using command
jar cvf webapplicationname.war *;
Login to weblogic Console.
Goto WebApplicationModules and then goto Deploy New
Webapplication module. Upload ur file option and Browse ur
War file and Upload. select ur war file and choose
Targetmodule and deploy.
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i^=j; j^=i; i^=j; value of i,j
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i had specified the access specifier for abstarct class member like (pure virtual function) as private.But it can be accessed by the derived class.How the private member of one class is accessed by other class.if any body face this problem and found the solution plz reply to me.
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why we are declare the function in the abstract class even though we are declaring it in Derived class?
class CTest { public: void someMethod() { int nCount = 0; cout << "This is some method --> " << nCount; } }; int main() { CTest *pctest; pctest->someMethod(); return 0; } It will executes the someMethod() and displays the value too. how is it possible with our creating memory for the class . i think iam not creating object for the class. Thanks in Advance... Prakash
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