how do you write sql queries using shell script
for eg:- we have databae table like EMPNO,ENAME,SAL,DEPTNO
columns in EMP table how you display EMPNO,SAL FIELDS from emp
in SHELL SCRIPT please explain with an example

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how do you write sql queries using shell script for eg:- we have databae table like EMPNO,ENAME,SA..

Answer / krishna

create a variable for your query like

sql1='select empid,empname,.... from emp;' in your script

then call sqlplus in your shell script as

slplus user/password@sql1

you can redirect the output or format it as you like.

you can pass userid pwd as parameters as arguments to your
shell script and use them as parameters $1 and $2. you can
check if all the parameters are given with Usage [$# eq. 2 ]

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 2 No

how do you write sql queries using shell script for eg:- we have databae table like EMPNO,ENAME,SA..

Answer / nitesh bhope

sqlplus username/userpassword@oracle<<eof
>select * from emp;
>select empno,ename,sal,deptno;
........what ever commands u wanna execute of sql u can
write here
>hit ctrl+d

these are called as here documents

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 10 No

how do you write sql queries using shell script for eg:- we have databae table like EMPNO,ENAME,SA..

Answer / alpkumar

Do you mean something like this .. how do you use queries
in conjunction with shell scripts..If so, usually the
general practice which goes on is that -- write a query on
what ever database you are working with with the relevant
sql syntax.. call this query from the shell script.
For this, in our program we should start using the commands
that the database company will be providing to use in unix
environement.. So use these unix commands for connecting to
the database, calling the specific query which we had
created..,.etc ...So look out for the commands which will
be available from database use in unix/linux
flavours and accomplish your script to perform the action
automating in generating reports and mailing them (or what
ever you wanna do.. )

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how do you write sql queries using shell script for eg:- we have databae table like EMPNO,ENAME,SA..

Answer / vikas

U can use .
Database coumns are : Emp.No, Emp. Name, Salary, Dept.No.
$ cut -f 1,3 <filename> > temp.txt

This will print two columns: emp/ No and salarya and store
it in fiile temp.txt in same directory.

If u want to sort them:
$ cut -f 1,3 <filename> > temp.txt
$ sort -otemp.txt temp.txt

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 9 No

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