write a profram for selection sort

whats the error in it?

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write a profram for selection sort whats the error in it?..

Answer / joshin

//program for selection sort
#define MX 100
void selection(int [], int);
void selection(int a[],int n)
int minindx,t;
int i,j;
void main()
int a[MX],i,n;
printf("enter total num of elements:");
printf("sorted arrau:\n");
printf("%d \t",a[i]);

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write a profram for selection sort whats the error in it?..

Answer / alam

using namespace std;
int main()
int i,t,j,min,n=0,m=0;
int a[6]={6,3,2,10,5,8};
//0 1 2 3 4 5
cout<<"******Selection Sort*********"<<endl;

cout<<"Outer Loop Total count :"<<m<<endl;
cout<<"Inner Loop Total count :"<<n<<endl;

return 0;

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