Given a table of the form:
Product Sold on
A 1/1/1980
B 1/1/1980
C 1/1/1980
A 1/1/1980
B 1/1/1980
C 2/1/1980
A 2/1/1980

There are 30 products and 10,000 records of such type. Also
the month period during which sales happened is given to u.

Write the program to display the result as:
Product Month No. of copies
A January 12
A February 15
A March 27
B January 54
B February 15
B March 10
C January 37

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Given a table of the form: Product Sold on A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 1/1/1980 A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 2/1/1980 A 2/1/1980 There are 30 products and 10,000 records of such type. Also the month period during which sales happened is given to u. Write the program to display the result as: Product Month No. of copies A January 12 A February 15 A March 27 B January 54 B February 15 B March 10 C January 37

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