output for printf("printf");

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More C++ Code Interview Questions

PROBLEM #8 The cashier at the counter of a Super Store, Mr. Khazaanchi has the following bundles of rupee cash notes with him: Rs. 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 A customer comes at his counter with various items that he has shopped. Mr. Khazaanchi totals the item prices and tells the customer his total amount payable. The customer gives Mr. Khazanchi some amount of cash. Find the total number of rupee notes of each denomination (i.e. 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000) Mr. Khazaanchi will have to give to the withdrawer ensuring that the total number of rupee notes are minimum.

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Write A C++ Program To Input A Number Between 20 To 99 And Display Its Numbername?

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Question 1: Implement a base class Appointment and derived classes Onetime, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. An appointment has a description (for example, “see the dentist”) and a date and time. Write a virtual function occurs_on(int year, int month, int day) that checks whether the appointment occurs on that date. For example, for a monthly appointment, you must check whether the day of the month matches. Then fill a vector of Appointment* with a mixture of appointments. Have the user enter a date and print out all appointments that happen on that date. *This Should Be Done IN C++

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Hello, I am trying to write a program in c++ which accepts month and year from the user and prints the calender. So please tell me the algorithm and what is the calender logic.

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Write a program that print in screen a tree with its height taken from user by entering number of 4 digits and find the odd numbers then calculate the sum of odd numbers so he get the height of tree?

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Write a (n) algorithm that sorts n distinct integers, ranging in size between 1 and kn inclusive, where k is a constant positive integer. (Hint: Use a kn-element array.)

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what mean void creat_object?in public class in this code class A{ public: int x; A(){ cout << endl<< "Constructor A";} ~A(){ cout << endl<< "Destructor A, x is\t"<< x;} }; void create_object(); void main() { A a; a.x=10; { A c; c.x=20; } create_object(); } void create_object() { A b; b.x=30; }

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main(){int a=5,b 10,c=2, d;a=b c;d=++a=(--c)*2; printf("%d%d%d%d,a,b,c,d; return o;}

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Min-Max Write an algorithm that finds both the smallest and largest numbers in a list of n numbers and calculate its complexity T(n).

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using friend function find the maximum number from given two numbers from two different classes.write all necessary functions and constructor for the classes.

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swap prog

3 Answers   TCS,

Write a program using one dimensional array that accept five values from the keyboard. Then it should also accept a number to search. This number is to be searched if it among the five input values. If it is found, display the message “Search number is found!” otherwise, display “Search is lost”. Example: Enter 5 numbers: 10 15 20 7 8 Enter number to search: 7 Search number is found!

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