what is diff b/w load testing and volume testing?

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what is diff b/w load testing and volume testing?..

Answer / vibha

In Load Testing we test the response time of the
application with respect to the no of users.Response time
shouldn't increase if no. of user increase, to a specified
limit in SRS
say if users exceed to 1 million respone time shouldn't
exceed 3sec.

In Volume testing the response time of the application is
tested with respect to the data.If the data is increased in
database the response shouldn't exceed the one mentioned in

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what is diff b/w load testing and volume testing?..

Answer / varun

as per my knowledge

load testing is total no of users can access the
application at a time

volume testing means how much data volume that can be
stored in the database of our project

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what is diff b/w load testing and volume testing?..

Answer / rohit

Volume Testing refers to testing a software application for
a certain data volume. This volume can in generic terms be
the database size or it could also be the size of an
interface file that is the subject of volume testing.

Where as Load testing is a stress given to the system.

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what is diff b/w load testing and volume testing?..

Answer / sujay

The term, volume testing, is often used synonymously with
load testing. Load testing is a blanket term that is used
in many different ways across the professional software
testing community.

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