out standing salaries goes to whiich A/C I mean personal(or)
real(or)nominal a/c

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out standing salaries goes to whiich A/C I mean personal(or) real(or)nominal a/c..

Answer / sarika ghadge

It will come under Nominal Account.
All expenses come under the profit and loss A/c
and outstanding salary is debited to profit and loss A/c.
It is the rule of Nominal Account that debit all expenses
and losses.

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out standing salaries goes to whiich A/C I mean personal(or) real(or)nominal a/c..

Answer / ganesh

its an nominal account, we have show it on liablity side of
the balance sheet.

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out standing salaries goes to whiich A/C I mean personal(or) real(or)nominal a/c..

Answer / vinayak

nominal a/c. b'coze it is expenses allexp. & profit com
under nominal a/c

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out standing salaries goes to whiich A/C I mean personal(or) real(or)nominal a/c..

Answer / sameer

Real A/c

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