how do u prepare Test Environment ?
What is the qtp testing process?
Can anyone share/send me QTP 8.2 Crack as I had it before but now it's virus affected. Pls send me on Thanks, ~Vijay
How to execute a WinRunner Script in QTP?
How to enable the text check point in qtp? By default it is disables
1 Answers Sify, ssinformatics,
How to create log file in qtp?
Hi, How to export the Checkpoints and Output values(Test area output values) from Object Repository to Excel
how to test Web application using QTP software
How to Creating an Output Value using QTP?
Can objects recognised without repository?
What is Virtual Users?
Need one Urgent help please,for ex: first time i created Local reposory and convert that local to shared Rep and save in some where(by using Export local objetcs), unfortunately that saved repository is missed, now i want same repository,but iam not able to export the same repository second time?? i need that Repository only how to get???
what is difference between Mandatrary proparties and Assistive proparties? Explain