What is the diff betwn Functional nad regression testing
and do u excute same test case or write new one for regression
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Answer / abhesheke
in functional test you(black box tester) check the major
functionalities in his modules are working are not
in regression test u check the functionality on the modified
if there is problem in the some module u reported the bug to
the developer and after he fixing that issue u do regression
testing on the modified built
executing the same testcases depending on the modification
done in modules most of the time u go for new test case but
while doing regression testing you check that the
modification done is not effecting any functionlity which
was working fine previously
Is This Answer Correct ? | 12 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / murthy
In Functional Testing, We will execute all the
functionalities of our application as per our requirements.
Regression Testing - Retesting the application to assure
that the defects found in Functional testing has not create
any new bugs and the application is working fine. In most
of the projects the testers will reexecute all the
functional test cases.
Dont need to write separate test cases for Functional and
Regression testing. We can reuse the same test cases for
both functional and regression.
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Answer / satheesh kanth
Functional testing : Focussing ie. testing the major
functionalities of the Sofware.
Regression testing: After fixing the bug by dev team, now
performing the testing action on whole application, to
determine whether the bug fixed has impact on other modules
of the application.
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Answer / @mit
Functional Testing:-
In Functional Testing,tester test the functionality of the
application by refering FRS or BRS.
Regression Testing:-
Regression Testing is used to find the un impcated areas
of the applictaion due to bug fixed,changing code on
modified build.
For regression testing,v prepare new test cases or not that
all depends on company to company.
Suppose,if code has been changed or bug has been fixed
then Tester just execute the functional Test cases rather
than create new test cases but if Requirement is cahnged an
ddevelopr had implement the same then Testet need to create
the new cases.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / vijay
Functional testing-- In functional testing we will check
the functionality of the application.
Regression testing--Re execution of the test cases on the
modified build. that means on modified build we can re test
the functionality of the application, after defect fixed,is
there any side effects due to the defect fixing.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / saff
as per my knowledge the test cases are written in the
beginning and they r executed once the built is done
so difference between fun and reg is
funtionality testing where we give some input and check
for output =expected one
regression is when we r checking the features of appln if
u find bug ,appln/module/system it is given for
rectification and rectified appln is givne back for
testing at this time ,after competing the testing of the
feature which is fixed, we have to check for the whole
aplln for verifying that whick are already working are
still working or not
so for this we have already wrote test cases which are also
funtional testing test cases only
so untill and unless there is any change in the requirement
we dont have to change our test cases
but if the regression testing is not overall coverage of
appln then we need to write different test cases ,
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / suneel reddy
During functional Testing if we found any defect we report
bug to dev team b they will fix and resolve the bug and
modified build to us
we will executr some of that test cases or total test cases
which we executed previously
while in funnctional testing we will do many more not only
regression buyt also retesting n some other
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / priya
Functional testing means checking functionality of the s/w
as per requirement.
Regression testing is relearning of test to check the new
build has created any bug in uncheck component.
e.g.Suppose you test function upto 10th line & 11th has a
error then after solved that 11th line error,you need to
start testing from 1st line to check it dos'nt affect 1-10 line.
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Answer / shiva
Functional Testing --- When there are enhancement in the
build release,the execution of test cases is functional testing.
Regression Testing --- When there are no enhancements only
the Defect fixes in the build then executing test cases are
Regression testing.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 2 No |
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