what is user acceptence test?

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what is user acceptence test?..

Answer / guest

UAT means it get the acceptance form the client.
The client or end user will test the whole application by
giving the different input values to check whether it is
giving exact output or not

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what is user acceptence test?..

Answer / bramhaji

UAT is nothing but alpha and beta testing

in alpha testing, after completion of development and
testing process customer will go to organization to check
whether the application meet his requirements or not

in beta testing,after implementation of modifications made
by customer during alpha testing ,organization install the
applicationat customer place and one again test the

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what is user acceptence test?..

Answer / suneel reddy

uAt is nothing but to get the acceptance from client

it icludes Alpha test and beta test

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what is user acceptence test?..

Answer / sailaja

testing for the user acceptability of the application it is
done by the client

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what is user acceptence test?..

Answer / gourisankar

UAT testing is usually performed by client. But we have to
prepare end to end scenarios and send it across to the
client, of course the business/service team will start
executing it.

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what is user acceptence test?..

Answer / mrigank kaushik

UAT is a process to obtain confirmation that a system meets
mutually agreed-upon requirements at customer environment by
the developers,customer or independent team in order to
accumulating feedback to process at the next steps.

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what is user acceptence test?..

Answer / m.srikanth

User Acceptence Testing means one who performs actions after
deploying the appilication in the client's environment in
front of the user. And application is user friendlyness.

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what is user acceptence test?..

Answer / aaa

UAT: testing if the software is satisfactory to the
While doing UAT following should be satisfied.
a)functionalities are meeting business requirements or not
c)usability- how easy to use

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what is user acceptence test?..

Answer / reddy

UAT is a session where business user/s will get access to
the developed system in a production like environment where
business user/s can perform few critical tests and signoff
by accepting the system met the agreed upon business

The system will goes to production after the UAT


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