What is the involvement of tester in SDLC?Explain.

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What is the involvement of tester in SDLC?Explain...

Answer / saff

the tester involvement in testing is he will try mitigate
the risk which can be done through testing

he is there to avoid unneccesary development expenses or
even worse project failure

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What is the involvement of tester in SDLC?Explain...

Answer / manisha


The involvement of tester in SDLC is just on the levels to
verify the documnets(SRS, FRS, IDS) prepared at this
level.which is called as STATIC TESTING or VERIFICATION
process under STLC.

The only difference in STLC & SDLC is when the testing is
carried out right from the earliest stage of preparing
documents it is STLC and The documents prepared under SDLC
are further used for testing by the tester..

Plz correct me if m wrong

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What is the involvement of tester in SDLC?Explain...

Answer / santhosh sebastian

In SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle),We can do testing
in two different manner.

QA Testing:-QA Tester need to verify the documents required
for each phases,Wheter project team using std templates or
not etc.

QC Testing:-QC Tester need to verify the Quality of project
deliverables from each Phases of SDLC.QC Tester will use
test plan,test scenarios,unit test etc.It is purely product
oriented testing.

QA and QC need to tied up for any type of SDLC for good

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