How many Verification points are there in Rational
Robot? List them.

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How many Verification points are there in Rational Robot? List them...

Answer / shruti

There are 13 verification points. They are :-
Window existence,
region image,
object data,
object properties,
window image,
website scan,
website comparison,
file existence,
file comparison,
module existence.

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How many Verification points are there in Rational Robot? List them...

Answer / pavani

There are 13 verification points. They are :-
Window existence,
region image,
object data,
object properties,
window image,
website scan,
website comparison,
file existence,
file comparison,
module existence.


In Robot 7.0, there are only 11 Verification Points.
WebSite Scan and WebSite Comparison VPs were removed in
this latest version.

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How many Verification points are there in Rational Robot? List them...

Answer / jbr

In Robot 7.0, there are only 11 Verification Points.
WebSite Scan and WebSite Comparison VPs were removed in
this latest version.

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