please answer the difference between QA & QC with practical

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please answer the difference between QA & QC with practical example..

Answer / k.r.senthil kumar

Quality Assurance:
1)Process Oriented
2)Defect Prevention

Quality control
1)Product oriented
2)Defect Detection
3) Reactive

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please answer the difference between QA & QC with practical example..

Answer / d.rajaselvan

Quality assurance Quality control
----------------- ---------------
1.Process oriented product oriented
2.Defect prevention Defect Deduction
3.Minimize defect To deliver zero defect product
4.Collecting user Apply test against standards

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please answer the difference between QA & QC with practical example..

Answer / pooja pal

QC:It involves activity to fulfill & verify the requirement of quality. it follow company standards.

QA: In QA we assure the customer that quality of Software product is in accordance with as expected by customer. During QA we don't follow company standard instead we perform different testing.

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please answer the difference between QA & QC with practical example..

Answer / rudra

QA set the system and specification to produce the perfect


QC is only for to check that ths product is as per
specification or not.

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please answer the difference between QA & QC with practical example..

Answer / snr

QA: QA involves monitoring and improving entire SDLC
process,making sure that any agreed upon standards and
procedures are followed and problems are found and dealt
with. It is oriented to "Prevention".

QC: QC is the process of Inspections, walkthroughs and

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