Explain the concept of "dangling pointers" in C.
Answer / nashiinformaticssolutions
A dangling pointer points to memory that has been deallocated. Accessing it causes undefined behavior.
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count = 0; for (i = 1;i < = 10; i++);count = count + i; Value of count after execution of the above statements will be a) 0 b) 11 c) 55 d) array
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You are given a string which contains some special characters. You also have set of special characters. You are given other string (call it as pattern string). Your job is to write a program to replace each special characters in given string by pattern string. You are not allowed to create new resulting string. You need to allocate some new memory to given existing string but constraint is you can only allocate memory one time. Allocate memory exactly what you need not more not less.
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A program to allow an input operand and operator from the operator and read on the display and output operand.
2)#include<iostream.h> main() { printf("Hello World"); } the program prints Hello World without changing main() the o/p should be intialisation Hello World Desruct the changes should be a)iostream operator<<(iostream os, char*s) os<<'intialisation'<<(Hello World)<<Destruct b) c) d)none of the above
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write the function int countchtr(char string[],int ch);which returns the number of timesthe character ch appears in the string. for example the call countchtr("she lives in Newyork",'e') would return 3.