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Questions / { glibware soft solutions }
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Explain References in C++

3 STL 513

What Is Operator Overloading in C++?

3 STL 453

What is a Deque?

2 C 339

Which sorting algorithm is the best?

1 C 335

How does variable declaration affect memory?

1 C 350

How do you determine if a string is a palindrome?

1 C 390

What is a usability test, and how do you conduct it?

2 Web Design 245

How do you measure the success of a UI/UX design?

2 Web Design 271

What is the heuristic evaluation method in UX?

2 Web Design 235

How do you manage tight deadlines in design projects?

2 Web Design 278

What are common UX design challenges, and how do you overcome them?

2 Web Design 245

How do you stay updated with UI/UX trends?

2 Web Design 236

Can you walk us through a recent project you worked on?

2 Web Design 239

Answers / { glibware soft solutions }

Question { 9123 }

What is a stored procedure ?


A stored procedure is a precompiled block of PL/SQL code stored in the database, which can be executed to perform a specific task.
Syntax Example:
UPDATE employees
SET salary = salary + increment
WHERE id = emp_id;
To execute:
EXEC IncreaseSalary(101, 500);

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Question { Keane India Ltd, 20681 }

What is a data structure?


A data structure is a type of storage format that specifies how information is arranged, saved, and worked with.
Trees, graphs, and arrays are a few well-known data structures.

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Question { IBM, 11677 }

What is a linked list?


Similar to an array, a linked list is a linear data structure where the components aren't always kept together.
In essence, it is a series of nodes that form a chain-like structure by pointing in the direction of the next node.

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Question { Christ University, 83349 }

What is the difference between = and == in C?


 =: Assignment operator (e.g., x = 10).
 ==: Equality comparison operator (e.g., if (x == 10)).

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Question { 15625 }

what is an array


A collection of items kept at consecutive memory regions is frequently referred to as an array.
The items that are kept are all of the same kind.
It arranges data in a way that makes it simple to search for or sort similar values.

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Question { Tech Mahindra, 11791 }

what is c?


C++ is a general-purpose, high-level programming language used for system and application development. Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs in 1983, it builds upon the C language while introducing object-oriented features. It supports multiple paradigms, including procedural, functional, and generic programming. This is one of the most commonly asked C++ interview questions.

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Question { Tech Mahindra, 11791 }

what is c?


C is a general-purpose, procedural programming language that supports structured programming. It is widely used for system software and application development.

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Question { Tech Mahindra, 11791 }

what is c?


C++ is a general-purpose, high-level programming language used for system and application development. Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs in 1983, it builds upon the C language while introducing object-oriented features. It supports multiple paradigms, including procedural, functional, and generic programming. This is one of the most commonly asked C++ interview questions.

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Question { 6150 }

what is the difference between c and c++


• C: Procedural programming language, no support for OOP, limited standard library.
• C++: Supports OOP, templates, and STL; more modern syntax and features.

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Question { 3352 }

what is a function prototype?


A function prototype declares the function's name, return type, and parameters without providing the actual implementation.

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Question { 11763 }

What is a Queue?


A linear data structure that executes operations in FIFO order is called a queue.
Rather than a stack in a queue, the elements that have been added the least recently are eliminated first.

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Question { 4999 }

what is a stack


A linear data structure that executes operations in Last In First Out (LIFO) order is referred to as a stack.
Only the topmost element in a stack can be accessed, followed by the bottom element.

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Question { TNS, 5323 }

What is Regression?


Regression is a supervised machine learning algorithm technique that helps predict the dependent variable (y) based on the independent variable (x) by determining the correlation between variables. Prediction, time series modeling, forecasting, and figuring out the causal-effect relationship between variables are its primary uses.

Regression and all machine learning methods are implemented in Python using the Scikit module.

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Question { IBM, 9429 }

What is the difference between SQL and PLSQL


• SQL (Structured Query Language):
o Used to interact with databases (e.g., querying, inserting, updating data).
o Declarative in nature.
• PL/SQL (Procedural Language/SQL):
o Procedural extension of SQL in Oracle.
o Supports loops, conditions, and error handling.
o Used for creating functions, triggers, and stored procedures.

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Question { 5655 }

what is html


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language used to create the structure of web pages. It allows you to define elements such as headings, paragraphs, links, images, and other content types for websites.

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