What is the difference between malloc() and realloc()?
Answer / nashiinformaticssolutions
• malloc(): Allocates memory.
• realloc(): Resizes an already allocated memory block, preserving existing data if possible.
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void main() { int s[4][2]={ {1234,56},{1212,33},{1434,80},{1312,78} }; int (*p)[2]; int i,j,*pint; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { p=&s[i]; pint=p; printf("\n"); for(j=0;j<=1;j++) printf("%d",*(pint+j)); } } while running this program it shows a warning-suspicious pointer conversion ie pint=p; my que is why should we assign the value of p to pint again.why cant we use it directly as *(p+j)..but if i use like tat the o/p is garbage value..
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