What is the use of the ‘open’ method to work with the database in the vbscript language and what connection string is passed in the same and what is its usage?
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Which command is used for writing text on a page?
Please Example programms on vbscript 1)writing functions and calling functions
1. How to handle object implementation change in DP for Ex: i have login page with username,pasword (editboxes),login,cancel(buttons). Here i written DP code for login page with the help properties. My questions: 1.If properites are changing dynamically i will do (i want code for that) 2.if objects are changed dynamcally i will do (i wnat code for that)
If we take 2 strings as “good” and “bad” then what will ‘+’ and ‘&’ operators return?
Hi, Anybody could tell me What is the 3rd Largest Number in the series..Thanks in Advance..
How to select a value from a list box by using Selenium web-driver?
My questions is while writting descriptve programming, lets take flight reservation. Line1: systemutil.Run "D:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTestProfessional\samples\flight\app\flight4 a.exe" dialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Agent Name:").Set "mercury" dialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Password:").Set "mercury" dialog("text:=Login").WinButton("text:=OK").click window("text:=Flight Reservation").Activate window("text:=Flight Reservation").ActiveX ("acx_name:=MaskEdBox").Type "111111" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("attached text:=Fly From:").Select "Frankfurt" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("attached text:=Fly To:").Select "London" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinButton ("text:=FLIGHT").Click window("text:=Flight Reservation").dialog("text:=Flights Table").WinList("text:=From").Select "13536 FRA 08.00AM LON 08.45AM SR $163.00" window("text:=Flight Reservation").dialog("text:=Flights Table").WinButton("text:=OK").Click window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinEdit("attached text:=Name:").Exist window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinEdit("attached text:=Name:").Set "sagar", Now i m getting the error in the last line. it is not accepting the WinEdit("attached text:=Name:") Please do solve this urgent...! and i want to know how to insert additional properties for an object and which properties we need to select from the object spy.
How to use QTP Object in .vbs(vbscript file) file Ex: Browser().., wait(), exist() and etc...
which is the best institute in banglaore for software testing?
Could Anybody tell me the VBscript for REVERSE an Integer int reverse(int num) Ex:246 to 642
Mention the rules for using option explicit statement?
Mention what is the technology used by vb script?