What r the advantages of automation?

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What r the advantages of automation?..

Answer / ravi kumar

Benefits of Automated Testing

Fast: QuickTest runs tests significantly faster than human

Reliable: Tests perform precisely the same operations each
time they are run, thereby eliminating human error.

Repeatable: You can test how the Web site or application
reacts after repeated execution of the same operations.

Programmable: You can program sophisticated tests that
bring out hidden information.

Comprehensive: You can build a suite of tests that covers
every feature in your Web site or application.

Reusable: You can reuse tests on different versions of a
Web site or application, even if the user interface changes.

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What r the advantages of automation?..

Answer / sreeprasad

1). Almost all current testing methods cannot be

implemented by hand except by the most dedicated or

desperate testers.

2). Automation encourages projects to re-test more


3). Reduce testing costs.

4). Reduce time spent in the testing phase

5). Detect errors early and to raise the quality of the

delivered software.

6). Achieves the repeatability required for valid test


7). Improve test coverage

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What r the advantages of automation?..

Answer / kalyan

A small doubt u told that in automation detects errors in
early stage but qtp is not for finding bugs na just for
faster executions..................

Please correct me if any thing wrong (its my opinion)

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