What is the ServletConfig() and what is its use?

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What is the ServletConfig() and what is its use?..

Answer / tulasi vani

ServletConfig gives the information regarding the
configuration of the servlet.It provides the information
regarding the initialisation parameters which are specified
in the web.xml file.Its also contains an object of servlet
context which gives servlet information about the container

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What is the ServletConfig() and what is its use?..

Answer / ramesh nagula

A servlet configuration object used by a servlet container
used to pass information regarding the initialisation
parameters which are specified
in the web.xml file to a servlet during initialization

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What is the ServletConfig() and what is its use?..

Answer / jiban

ServletConfig as the name implies provide the information about configuration of a servlet which is defined inside the web.xml file or we can say deployment descriptor.its a specific object for each servlet

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What is the ServletConfig() and what is its use?..

Answer / dileep

which describes the configureation of our servlet.
generally we will declare all member variables and nmember
functiions inside init() method.thats why we are passing
ServletConfig as parameter to every init() method of the

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