What is synchronization?

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What is synchronization?..

Answer / janet

Synchronization is the mechanism that ensures that only one
thread is accessed the resource at a time.

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What is synchronization?..

Answer / mahipal reddy.kaitha

 Synchronized keyword can be applied to methods or
parts of the methods only.
 Synchronize keyword is used to control the access
to critical code in multi-threaded programming.

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What is synchronization?..

Answer / ranjani

It is a mechanism which is used to provide the priority for
multiple thread programs to avoid the deadlock condition.

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What is synchronization?..

Answer / devarathnam c,kotagudibanda(po

Synchronization:It is a mechanism of controlling the shared
resource againist the multiple processes inorder to provide
the concurrent access.

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What is synchronization?..

Answer / akshay

If there is a portion of code within a method or the
complete method that can be accessed by multiple threads,
that section of code is called critical section. To make
sure that only one thread can access critical section at a
time, we synchronize critical section. Synchronization is
the keyword to avoid concurrent access to critical section
of the code.

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What is synchronization?..

Answer / nadesh.k

It is a mechanism which is used to provide the priority for
multiple thread programs to avoid the deadlock condition.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

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