How the C program can be compiled?
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Answer / guest
after writing entire code first compile the program using
alt+F9.Then look at the errors and warnings ,after all the
errors and warnings are rectified u can run the program by watch the output go through the key alt+F5.
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Answer /
Do you want the commands for compilation of our code or how
the code is compiling internally?
for commands for compilation : (in Linux)
$cc <filename.c>
Process as fallows :
Application Program --> preprocessor --> Compiler --->
linker ---> loader.
If you want more information please let me know on mail
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / priya
In windows C program is compiled by
Under linux, the C compiler is gcc.
$Gcc filename.c
For compiling C with graphics application in ubuntu
$G++ -lgraph filename.c
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Answer / rina
compiler is convert to the program in assembly language to
machin language....
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* Pre-requisite : Before compiling check if gcc package is installed, if not install it either by using apt-get install/yum install based on the Linux kernel.
* Once installed, save the program as hello.c
* Compile it using gcc hello.c which will produce object file a.out
* Finally run it as ./a.out
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Answer / sanjay singh
Simply by pressing Alt + F9 Key from the keyboard.
"Note we can also execute a program with compiling if it has
no error in the program in the coding form"
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 2 No |
We can compile program after writing code by pressing short
key Alt+F9 or by going on the menu compile->compile
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 3 No |
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