Under which article of the Constitution, the President of
India can proclaim the National Emergency?
(1) 356
(2) 352
(3) 123(1)
(4) 370
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At the North magnetic pole, the angle of dip would be (1) 00 (2) 450 (3) 900 (4) 1800
please send me last five years solved question papers
During whose regime the first vernacular paper Samachar Darpan was published? (1) Lord Curzon (2) Lord Minto (3) Lord William Bentinck (4) Marques of Hastings
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about staff nursing
Which of the following statements is wrong? (a) Ammeter must be connected in parallel (b) Ammeter must have low resistance (c) Voltmeter must be connected in parallel (d) Voltmeter must have high resistance
sayllabus of Assistant Station Master exam & some question
Insulation value of conductors with reference to earth is mentioned in (a) Ampere (b) Resistance (c) Voltage (d) Wattage
Diode is a device which (a) Conducts in one direction and blocks in other direction (b) Conducts in both directions (c) Blocks in both directions (d) None of these
What does ?SIM? stand for ? (a) Signal Information Mode (b) Simple Identify Mode (c) Subscribers Identity Module (d) Selling Information Matrix
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