Explain the Reflection of Light ?

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Explain the Reflection of Light ?..

Answer / guest

The point where a ray of light strikes the surface of a
mirrors is called the point of incidence.

If a normal is drawn to the surface at this point, the
angle4 which the incident ray makes with it is called the
angle of incidence.

The angle which the reflected ray makes with the normal is
called the angle of reflection.

The plane containing normal and incident ray is called the
plane of incidence and the plane containing normal and
reflected ray is called the pane of reflection.

Law of Reflection :- They are

1. The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal to be
surface at the point of incidence. All lie in the same plane.

2. the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

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Explain the Reflection of Light ?..

Answer / peter

The previous comment merely DESCRIBES reflection but,
however, it does NOT explain it. For a start, light is NOT
comprised of 'rays'. These are only a mathematical
convenience IMAGINED for the purpose of optical engineering
calculations, as in the manufacture of lenses.

The fact is, that with our current knowledge of the nature
of light, we cannot explain its reflection, especially
uniform reflection as from a mirror surface.

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