Why does a heavy stone nor break a glass place when place
slowly on it, while a small stone falling from a great
height easily breaks it ?

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Why does a heavy stone nor break a glass place when place slowly on it, while a small stone falling..

Answer / sanju

Because the momentum in the second case is greater. Because
of greater momentum, the velocity produced in the second
case is greater, and therefore a greater force of required
to check its motion, which is not possible in this case

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Why does a heavy stone nor break a glass place when place slowly on it, while a small stone falling..

Answer / abhishek aanand

When the heavy stone strike glass with slow motion doesn't break glass. because it cover largeer area with very little kinetic energy but when a small stone strike with higher velocity it break the glass because it cover small area with higher kinetic energy.

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Why does a heavy stone nor break a glass place when place slowly on it, while a small stone falling..

Answer / ramu

The potential energy of the object falling from a very high position is much greater than the potential energy of the object at a lower position. Because of high potential energy, it exerts more kinetic energy which can give more strain beyond its threshold and hence thrust the glass easily.

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