Which of the following is the MOST effective type of antivirus software to detect an infected application?
A. Scanners
B. Active monitors
C. Integrity checkers
D. Vaccines

Which of the following is the MOST effective type of antivirus software to detect an infected applic..

Answer / chatter

The correct answer is C

A. Scanners look for sequences of bits called signatures that are typical of virus programs. They examine memory, disk boot sectors, executable files and command files for bit patterns that match a known virus. Therefore, scanners need to be updated periodically to remain effective.
B. Active monitors interpret disk operating system (DOS) and read-only memory (ROM) basic input-output system (BIOS) calls, looking for virus-like actions. Active monitors can be misleading, because they cannot distinguish between a user request and a program or virus request. As a result, users are asked to confirm actions such as formatting a disk or deleting a file or set of files.
C. Integrity checkers compute a binary number on a known virus-free program that is then stored in a database file. This number is called a cyclical redundancy check (CRC). When that program is called to execute, the checker computes the CRC on the program about to be executed and compares it to the number in the database. A match means no infection; a mismatch means that a change in the program has occurred. A change in the program could mean a virus.
D. Vaccines are known to be good antivirus software. However, they need to be updated periodically to remain effective.

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