Difference between the stress and load testing?
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Answer / raghava
Stress testing:To verify the response time of the
application by increasing or decreasing the requests.
here applied on various load levels
Load testing:To verify the response time of the application
by sending concurrent users request at a time.and also
performance is also tested here
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Answer / rajeshwar rao
Stress testing means increasing the load and checking the
performance of the each level.
By giving abnormal values such as complex subquirs.by
giving huge inputs.
By ret riving the data from the resource.
Load testing means it is a process of testing executing are
running application by the clients are end-user.
For example the application is going to be tested 100 users
so we have to test the application. By sharing the resource
from server by the 100 users at a time.
== increasing the heavy load at time.
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Answer / raj
Stress testing:To verify the response time of the
application by increasing or decreasing the requests.
Load testing:To verify the response time of the application
by sending concurrent users request at a time.
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