Write a program using one dimensional array that searches a
number and display the number of times it occurs on the list
of 12 input values.
Sample input/output dialogue:
Enter 12 values:
13 15 20 13 30 35 40 16 18 20 18 20
Enter number to search: 20
Occurences: 3

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Write a program using one dimensional array that searches a number and display the number of times ..

Answer / naveen kumar

change the sizeof array a[12] instead of a[4]

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 15 No

Write a program using one dimensional array that searches a number and display the number of times ..

Answer / sreejesh1987

void main()
int i,flag=0;
float s,a[4];
printf("Enter Twelve numbers:");

printf("Enter a number to search:");




Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 32 No

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