we have a 100 classes at that time which class we have to
write main method? pls help me

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we have a 100 classes at that time which class we have to write main method? pls help me..

Answer / ankit sangal

we should write the main method in that class from where we want to start the compilation.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 1 No

we have a 100 classes at that time which class we have to write main method? pls help me..

Answer / pravallika

we can write main method in any class is possible.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

we have a 100 classes at that time which class we have to write main method? pls help me..

Answer / venky

yes,we can write in any class

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 0 No

we have a 100 classes at that time which class we have to write main method? pls help me..

Answer / dinesh tiwari

Hey All,
I Think if we have 100 class we write main method wihin
any class just we should mention class name in mainifest
file before calling.mainfest main work is tp provide main
class name to jvm.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

we have a 100 classes at that time which class we have to write main method? pls help me..

Answer / pravallika

But compile time point of view main method is not required.so we can write main method in any one class is possible.

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we have a 100 classes at that time which class we have to write main method? pls help me..

Answer / john kennedy

The class which has the connection or relationship with all
other classes can be main class.

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