you do not have MBA degree. why should we appoint you as
Deputy General Manager of CSD Bangladesh?
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Hi, I have passed in the SBI Clerical Cadre Exam, written in July. I have received the call letter. I have completed my graduation in B.Sc(CompSc). So, I want to know whether I will be asked queries out of my syllabus. For instance, a query in accounts, I dont have any idea about that subject. Please guide me how to face the interview and what sort of questions, i will be asked. As the interview day is nearing, am getting nervous.
im a market dealer having 2.5 years of experience & i have done MIRPM. Did i have any chance to get a job in foreign & which certification did help me to get a good job with nice pay-scale there?
Can anybody give good full form for VAK. Plz....
what is CTD format?
Please tell me some speeches on different types of technology
when the EP COPY and EC COPY is issued ?
hey frnds smbody plzz tell me abt the interview of sbi... has anybody given it?????
I m selected in cag DEO pag gssa in kerla Obc category if anybody want kerla then call me 7275639235
name the places where the indian govt has given its nod to set up four new tiger resereviors?
i have cleared iob po written exam 2011 can any body say when will be the possible date of interview
i am selected for sbi bank po as well assistant central intelligence officer grade 2 executive in intelligence bureau. which one i should join and why?
which is the deepest lake in the world