you do not have MBA degree. why should we appoint you as Deputy General Manager of CSD Bangladesh?
1576Post New CSD Bangladesh Interview Questions
What is social media marketing?
Explain mul function in javascript?
Have you billed or coded for any specialties? : insurance health
what is the principle involved in Biometry?
Can we Use AC Servo Motor with Variable Frequency drive instead of Servo Drive? OR with VFD, only simple induction motor can be connected? VFD (Variable Frequency Drive)is having facility of Encoder Feedback.
What is java secure socket extension (jsse)?
Explain what does mvc represent in : mvc
How do you crop a shape in powerpoint 2016?
What are the positive and negative with volley?
Who created spark?
Is apple using swift?
What are important features of wpf?
Given an array of size n. It contains numbers in the range 1 to n. Find the numbers which aren?t present.
What is open market operation?
how to connect a php script with the mysql database?