java is fully object oriented languages or not? why?

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java is fully object oriented languages or not? why? ..

Answer / p soniya

java is not fully object oriented language because it does not support multiple inheritance directly. but it does so by using the concept of interfaces.

Is This Answer Correct ?    76 Yes 13 No

java is fully object oriented languages or not? why? ..

Answer / siddharth somadutt

Java uses primitive data types and hence is not a pure object oriented language.

Is This Answer Correct ?    61 Yes 4 No

java is fully object oriented languages or not? why? ..

Answer / awadhesh kumar

Java is not a completely object oriented language, because
not all values in Java are Objects. For example, the basic
numeric types such as int, long, double, etc., are not
objects and need to be "boxed" into objects in order to pass
them as Object parameters or call methods on them.

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 3 No

java is fully object oriented languages or not? why? ..

Answer / rozer willis

Java is not fully Object Oriented Programming
language.Because it uses Primitive data types and these are
not refer to any class.Thats why Java can't said to be a
fully object oriented programming language.Simula65 is the
only fully object oriented programming language.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 2 No

java is fully object oriented languages or not? why? ..

Answer / nava

There is primitive data types are there like
int,float,char,long,byte,double,boolean,short these are
used as a data types mostly in our apps,not as objects..I
think this is the one of the main reason

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java is fully object oriented languages or not? why? ..

Answer / atul

java is pure object oriented nobody could prove this but understand carefully.

1)everything in java define where inside class.even main()method also.
2)somebody said it support primitive data type but think these
all primitive data type also convert into class object.
how by using wrapper classes.
3)java does not support multiple inheritence why bcz it create
ambiguity error.but its alternate is there like interface.
4) in java all thing define inside class its also treat as object state and behaviour.
every thing in java that should be in OOL language.

all these thing depends on your thoughts .
if u agree then .......

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java is fully object oriented languages or not? why? ..

Answer / masthan

No. Java is not 100 % Pure OOP because of following reasons:
1) It doesnot support Multiple inheritance.
2) It allows use of primitive data types which are not an objects.
3) It allows static methods to call without creating the instance.
4)All features of OOP lanuage is not fully supported by java. eg: Multiple Inheritance(it does by using interfaces only). Operator Overloading etc.
5)You can run a java program without making a single object.

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java is fully object oriented languages or not? why? ..

Answer / dev

No,java is not fully object oriented language because it does not support "multiple inheritence" and "pointers" which are used in C++.But,by using Interfaces we can implement multiple inheritence.Also,due to presence of Primitive datatypes,which are used in (AutoBoxing)...we can say it is not fully object oriented language.

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java is fully object oriented languages or not? why? ..

Answer / vigneshwaran r.r

:) Java is not fully OOP... one thing we have to notice that, we can most of the java program without creating an instance (Object) itself.. Thanks you

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java is fully object oriented languages or not? why? ..

Answer / bhavesh patel

java is a fully object oriented languages it call a define
data type must be in a class

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 33 No

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