Who are the clients for your USA company?

Who are the clients for your USA company?..

Answer / suthahar.j

thepaperpeople,ryh,atf etc

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More H1B Visa Interview Questions

hi this is seenu from hyderabad. i hav completed mba (distence).buy i after tht i did pgdca and .net course after tht i joined job as a software engineer .now i got h1b visa appointment in chennai octo 30th now i hav exp two years only but i put four years exp as a software engineer .now i got job as a program analyst same company head office in usa . my employeer only suggestme like put four years exp like tht . this is my profile plz can anyone can tell which questions they ill ask and give me suggections .

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I am from india i worked 2 years in hyderabad and now iam in saudi arabia iam working as a network admin i came her before 4 months now i want to apply H1b from here can any one guide me how to apply?And where shall i attend interview?And the complete details ?

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When were you interviewed?

0 Answers  

When did US company founded?

3 Answers  

hi i have a valid H1B petition.(approved on oct 2010) It is approved for California location for a client A. Now i could not go for the client A since project is not available. I got project for client B in same california location but different city. I have filed fresh LCA now. after going to US my job involves frequent short travel to other states / cities for the support work. Can any one help me * Do i need to apply for fresh LCA if the client name changes & location ( changes within the state CA) * Can i travel to other states and cities for short term support work ( 2 weeks maximum ) * Possiblities of getting the visa in my case? Thanks in advance... from sathish

0 Answers  

Hi, I have done 3 years diploma in electronics ( 1998-2000) but I completed my diploma in 2005. I started working from 2000 itself ; so I am having total 10+ year experience in IT field. Please let me know If I can show this 10+ year experience for getting H1b visa. Thanks in advance. Thanks, Ganesh

0 Answers  

My H1B interview is scheduled next month. For docs relating to previous employer, I got only offer letter and experience cert only. I used to get salary in cash. I dont have pay slips also. I was working for a temporary position. what related docs should I have posses?? Thankq all in advance 4 kind support.

0 Answers  

How about your accommodation and other miscellaneous?

0 Answers  

Why do you wanted to go to US?

3 Answers  

Hi I got my H1 b approved for 2008-2009. can i get my h1b stamped in month on aug? what all documents i rqeuired from my employer. please reply me ASAP.

4 Answers  

for student visa they rejected u since u dont have confidence on u that u will return back to india.now how can we beleive that u will return to india after 3 years or when ur work permit expires.justify?

1 Answers   US Consulate,

Hi All, This is karthik from bangalore, I have applied for my H1B and it got selected in lotto and it's approved on June 19 2008.Now i am waiting for mu interview date. I am working here with a software company for 3 years but before 6 months it was taken over by another concern and now all my revisal letter and pay slip will have both the companies name logo etc..... my questions is.. Will it affect anyway in my H1B interview?

0 Answers   Integra,

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