How many times a day a clock's hands overlap?

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How many times a day a clock's hands overlap?..

Answer / sutirtha roy chowdhury

The correct answer is 23.
Sorry! there has been a mistake of double counting at the
end of the above answer posted by me in hurry
(Clicked "post answer" and could not take back).
The calculation of 12/11 hour required for the second
overlap is correct. But then in this time there is 1 more
overlap (not 2)and hence in 24 hours time there will be 22
more overlaps and taking the first one into account the
number will be 23.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 31 No

How many times a day a clock's hands overlap?..

Answer / kumari

i hope the answer is 47.

bcoz for one hour there will be 2 right angles,so for 12 hrs there willbe 24 times form a right angle.

but in next twelve hrs there will be only 23 right angles tat bcoz in the midnt it will convert to next day.

so one right angle will loss for a day,so 24+23=47

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 21 No

How many times a day a clock's hands overlap?..

Answer / helen

It can be reduced to a fencepost problem...

if you have two hands x (faster hand) and y (slower hand),
then the number of fenceposts is the number of circuits x
needs to make for y to make one complete circuit. The number
of overlaps of x and y is the number of spaces between the

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 28 No

How many times a day a clock's hands overlap?..

Answer / santhosh r

Why making a simple question complex?
Its so obvious that for each hour both hour hand and minute
hand meet once,ie overlap.. So in a day, ther r 24 hrs
conventionally. making the answer to be 24 !!!!

"Playing Contraption in a simple thing makes moments to be

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 34 No

How many times a day a clock's hands overlap?..

Answer / sutirtha roy chowdhury

The answer is 44 times FOR TRUE OVERLAPS.
As an explanation, I will approach the answer in following

Hour hand:=H minute hand:=M
Assumption: We consider only H and M (and not the hand for
seconds counter) hence overlap of 2 hands.

1) A very tempting answer (which is also given above) would
have been to consider time points such as 12:00 noon, 1:05
am/ pm etc. and so on leading to final value of 24 but
consider the following situation. Suppose that the overlap
happened at 12:00 noon then, since H covers 30 degree angle
in an hour whereas M covers 360 degree, how can the next
overlap happen at 1:05 because then starting from 12:00 H
has moved 30 degree in 1 hour to reach exactly the point
for 1 o clock marker while in the same time M will move
only 360 degree to reach 12 o clock marker agian to make
the time as 1:00 PM and by the time M reaches the point for
1 o clock marker, H will have moved a bit not to make it an
Hence it will nullify the answer which is being discussed.

2) Now let us move towards the correct answer. Note that
the angular speeds of the tips of H and M are 30 degree/
Hour and 360 degree / hour respectively.

3) Let us start from a point where both have already
overlapped because if no such point is available then the
question becomes redundant. H will indicate the tip of hour
hand and M will do the same for the minute one.

4) Now had this been a problem of both H and M starting
from the same point, moving on a stratight line with
different speeds, they would have never met again.

5) But here since they are moving on a circle, it is
equivalent to the aforementioned example of straight line
with the end points of the line identified to make them
move round and round in a circle.

6) Let the starting point of overlap be A. After 1 hour M
is 30 degree behind H (Recall the example in <1> ) and if
it is going to overlap with H in next T hours then it has
to cover 30 degree more than H does in this time (T hours).
Since M cover (360-30=)330 degree more in 1 hour, it will
take (30/330=) 1/11 hour for the next overlap.

7) so starting from the point A of first overlap it has
taken (1+ 1/11=) 12/11 hour for another overlap to happen.
So ein 12/11 hour we have had 2 overlaps and hence in 24
hours we will have (2 * (11/12) * 24)= 44 overlaps (unitary

8) Note that the point A of first overlap is an arbitraty

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 45 No

How many times a day a clock's hands overlap?..

Answer / ram

24 simple..its equals to the hours in a day

Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 176 No

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