regular expression that will recognize a browser as long as
its name property starts with mybrowser
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How to pass the parameter from one function to another function in VB Scripting?
i created script for login in QTP,i parametirized that using global sheet,problem i am facing is first i want to login with first values provided in excelsheet and want to perform some operation,second time if call same action it should login with second values in excelsheet
What are the 2 ways to pass a value to the function?
how to add action through AOM in QTP
How should i Create Email invite with server-side Coding?
I have a webtable and many objects are embedded in side.(like buttons,checkboxes etc). How to know how many such objects are there? what is the class of that objects?
I want good books or good sites for scripting.Can any one help me.
What are class variables?
write a vb script to calculate factorial of a number?
How will you generate Reports using Vb Script?it asked in testing(QTP)Interview.Plz Any Body Let me know. Thanks uday
what is test scenario?
What is the use of the ‘open’ method to work with the database in the vbscript language and what connection string is passed in the same and what is its usage?