Hi friends this is rakesh recently i went to an interview
there they asked me what is the port number using to connect
telnet from one system to another system and what deamon is
used to connect telnet.

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Hi friends this is rakesh recently i went to an interview there they asked me what is the port numb..

Answer / s.m.kumaran

Hi...rakesh port number is 23 if u using to connect telnet
from one system to another system.and telnetd or xinetd
deamon is used to connect telnet.

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Hi friends this is rakesh recently i went to an interview there they asked me what is the port numb..

Answer / kumar

Hi Rakesh by default telnet port number is 23.you want see
that port number go /etc/services file.In this file all
port numbers are available.For Security reasons some people
change that port numbers. Means His own numebrs giving.

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Hi friends this is rakesh recently i went to an interview there they asked me what is the port numb..

Answer / karthikeyan

By default , the prot no for Telnet is 23

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Hi friends this is rakesh recently i went to an interview there they asked me what is the port numb..

Answer / srinivas

23 is the port no for telnet and the demon for telnet is

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Hi friends this is rakesh recently i went to an interview there they asked me what is the port numb..

Answer / chandan karn

hi the inetd daemon listens at port 23 for the telnet service.
telnet sys2 command on sys1 generates a request to
port 23 that inetd recognizes as a telnet request because of
the configuration entry in the /etc/inet/services file. The
inetd daemon executes the in.telnetd process. The
in.telnetd daemon takes control of the current telnet
session’s communication

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Hi friends this is rakesh recently i went to an interview there they asked me what is the port numb..

Answer / biswajit

port number of telnet is 23.telnet daemon is telnetd.....

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