how can i calculate mean,median,mode by using c program

how can i calculate mean,median,mode by using c program..

Answer / devraj the king of the kings


#define NULL 0


int scores[50];
int numberOfScores = 0;

/*Function Definitions*/
void readFile (int a[], ∫);
void calculateMean (int a[]);
void sortArray (int a[], int);
void calculateMedian (int a[]);
void calculateMode (int a[]);

/*Read the file with scores*/

void readFile (int a[], &numberOfScores);


int flag = TRUE;

scoresFile = fopen("scores.txt","r");

if(scoresFile == NULL)

printf("\nERROR-cannot open the file\n");

if loop to read scores from file

/*read each entry from file*/
fscanf(scoresFile, "%d", a[numberOfScores]);
numberOfScores = numberOfScores +1;

if(numberOfScores , 50)
printf("\nERROR-Less than 50 scores available");
calculateMean(int 1[], int numberOfScores)
int i, total;
float mean;
for(i = 0; i < numberOfScores; i++)
total = total + a[i];

mean = total/numberOfScores;

printf("Mean of the Scores: %f" , mean);

void sort(inta[], int array_size)
int i, j, temp;
for (i =(array_size-1); i>= 0; i-)
for (j=1; j<= i; j++)
if(a[j-1] > a[j])
temp = a[j-1];
a[j-1] = a[1];
a[1] = temp;


calculateMedian(int a[])
float median;
median = (a[24] + a[25])/2;
printf("Median: %f", median);



int multi[50][2];
int j, k, l;
int mode, higher, temp;

/*initialize the array second element to 0*/
for(k=0; k<50; k++)
multi[k][0] = 0;
multi[k][1] = 0;

/*pass the original array and store array into multidimensional if there are no entries for that value*/

for(j=0; j<50; j++)

score =a[j];
for(k = 0; k< 50; k++)
if(score == multi[k][0]
multi[k][1] = multi[k][1] + 1;
higher = multi[0][1];

for(j=0; j<50; j++)
if(higher , multi[j][1])
higher= multi[j][1]l

printf("Mode of the scores: %d", higher);


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