4) Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and
calculates 2 power
that number and prints it.

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4) Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it. ..

Answer / chinmayee

no the program should not be that because the qs is 2 power
that 5 digit number

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4) Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it. ..

Answer / deepshree sinha

void main()
int n,m
printf("enter any five digit number");
scanf("%d ",&n);

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 4 No

4) Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it. ..

Answer / manojpadhi04

please inform me the answer

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4) Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it. ..

Answer / nitish kumar choudhary

u have to define int as long unsigned int to increase its
normally int cant give u the answer.

void main()
long unsigned int res;
int a;
printf("Enter the 5 digit no.: ");
scanf("%d" ,&a);
printf("result is: %uL", a*a);

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 6 No

4) Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it. ..

Answer / sathishmani

void main()
int a;
printf("\n The Result is ",a*a);

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 18 No

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