How many types of Recordings are there in QTP and what are

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How many types of Recordings are there in QTP and what are they?..

Answer / vasavi juvvadi

There are 3 types of Recording modes available in QTP.
They are

1, Standard Recording mode: It is default mode
2, Analog Recording mode
3, Low Level Recording mode

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 3 No

How many types of Recordings are there in QTP and what are they?..

Answer / jayalakshmi

They are three types of recording modes in QTP. They are
three types

General Recording:In this Mode QTP is Recording mouse and
key board operation with respective object and windows in
our application.

Analog Recording:In this Mode QTP is Recording mouse
pointer movement with respective desktop co ordinates.

Low Recording:In this Mode QTP is Recording mouse pointer
movement on the desktop with respective time.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 3 No

How many types of Recordings are there in QTP and what are they?..

Answer / praveen

Three types of recording modes:
1) Normal or context sensitive: It is default recording
mode. script is captured based on window or screen area co
oridinates & all objects are identified based on their
class type

2)Analog Recording: It is a high level recording mode, only
one line of script is generated for the entire record. By
default it is disabled. In order to perform analog
recording, start normal recording & then go to Automation
(menu bar) and select analog recording. while recording
script is generated based on desktop co-ordinates.

3)Low Level Recording: Script is generated based on the
window or screen co-ordinates. All the objects are
identified as window objects. It would be difficult to
enhance the script. In this recording, mouse clicks are
By default it is disabled. First start normal recording and
then goto automation and select low level recording.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 2 No

How many types of Recordings are there in QTP and what are they?..

Answer / priya

They are three types of recording modes in QTP. They are
three types

General Recording:In this Mode QTP is Recording mouse and
key board operation with respective object and windows in
our application.

Analog Recording:In this Mode QTP is Recording mouse
pointer movement with respective desktop co ordinates.

lowlevel Recording: In this Mode QTP is Recording Advanced
objects that is they are looking like a image but working
as a button

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 2 No

How many types of Recordings are there in QTP and what are they?..

Answer / uday kumar_anem

Normal Recording mode: QuickTest's normal recording mode
records the objects in your application and the operations
performed on them. This mode is the default and takes full
advantage of QuickTest's test object model, recognizing the
objects in your application regardless of their location on
the screen.

Analog Recording mode: enables you to record the exact
mouse and keyboard operations you perform in relation to
either the screen or the application window. In this
recording mode, QuickTest records and tracks every movement
of the mouse as you drag the mouse around a screen or

This mode is useful for recording operations that cannot be
recorded at the level of an object, for example, recording
a signature produced by dragging the mouse.

You cannot edit analog recording steps from within

The steps recorded using Analog Recording are saved in a
separate data file. This file is stored with the action in
which the analog steps are recorded.

When you record in Analog Recording mode, QuickTest adds to
your test a ‘RunAnalog’ statement that calls the recorded
analog file.

When you record in analog mode relative to the screen, the
run session will fail if your screen resolution or the
screen location on which you recorded your analog steps has
changed from the time you recorded.

Low-level Recording mode: enables you to record on any
object in your application, whether or not QuickTest
recognizes the specific object or the specific operation.
This mode records at the object level and records all run-
time objects as Window or WinObject test objects. Use low-
level recording for recording in an environment or on an
object not recognized by QuickTest. You can also use low-
level recording if the exact coordinates of the object are
important for your test .

Each step recorded in Low-Level Recording mode is shown in
the Keyword View and Expert View. (Analog Recording records
only the one step that calls the external analog data

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 2 No

How many types of Recordings are there in QTP and what are they?..

Answer / vijay

All answers are wrong. Question is what are the methods not

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 2 No

How many types of Recordings are there in QTP and what are they?..

Answer / prasant

there is three types of recordings.
1 Analog recording
2 Digital recording
3 Low-level recording

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 15 No

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