Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at
a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955. distance between
bangalore and mysore is 250 Km..... Now tell me wat s the
date of birth of the driver............

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Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955..

Answer / anil

Date of Birth is as your Birth Date, because you are driving
the car..

Is This Answer Correct ?    322 Yes 13 No

Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955..

Answer / manoj

answer is u r the driver so u r DOB is answer

Is This Answer Correct ?    110 Yes 9 No

Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955..

Answer / meenu

19/6/1991 its my birth day date, because am driving that car

Is This Answer Correct ?    61 Yes 8 No

Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955..

Answer / dhivya

21.06.1990 its my birthday date because am driving that car

Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 5 No

Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955..

Answer / usha

12 dec 1991 because it is my date of birth,iam the driver

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 7 No

Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955..

Answer / jothi shiyamala.k

my birthdate 28-12-1991

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 5 No

Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955..

Answer / seethala

my birthday because i am the driver of the car

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 5 No

Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955..

Answer / rahul

Ur own DOB,becoz u only driving the car....Right

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955..

Answer / m.suresh kumar

that correct data of birth is mine because me only driving that car

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 2 No

Imagine that u r driving a car from mysore to bangalore at a speed of no is KA-19 DB1955..

Answer / monikasree


Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 8 No

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