Polymorphism with an example?
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Answer / yamuna mathew
samne function behave differntily on different occasion
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Answer / bilal dooply
Polymorphism is a property in which a single object can have more than 1 form.
Example [Code in VB.NET]:
Class Animals
'Walk() is declared Overridable
Overridable Public Sub Walk()
Console.Writeline ("Walking")
End Sub
End Class
Class Dog
Inherits Animals
'Let us make Dog is walking
'Walk() is overriding Walk() in its base class (Animals)
Overrides Public Sub Walk()
Console.Writeline ("Walking")
'Important: As you expect, any call to Walk() inside this class
'will invoke the Walk() in this class. If you need to
'call Walk() in base class, you can use MyBase keyword.
'Like this
End Sub
End Class
Class MainClass
'Our main function
Shared Sub Main()
'Let us define Tommy as a Animal (base class)
Dim Tommy as Animals
'Now, I am assiging an Indian (derived class)
Tommy = new Dogs
'The above assignment is legal, because
'Dogs IS_A Animals.
'Now, let me call Walk as
'Which Walk() will work? The Walk() in Dogs, or the
'Walk() in Animals?
'The question arises because, Tommy is declared as a Animals,
'but an object of type Dogs is assigned to Tommy.
'The Answer is, the Walk() in Dogs will work. This is because,
'most object oriented languages like Vb.net can automatically
'detect the type of the object assigned to a base class variable.
'This is called Polymorphism
End Sub
End Class
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / vivin
It means ability to take more than 1 form.
(ex)consider the operation of addition,
For 2 numbers it will generate sum{2 + 3 = 5} then
for 2 strings it will concatenate (vivin + durai = vivindurai)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / rajeesh
polymorphism is a programming language feature that allows
values of different data types to be handled using a uniform
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / rajdeep gupta
to call the overloaded function via object is known as
polymorphism.There are two types of polymorphism
1-Dynamic polymorphism
2-static polymorphism
static polymorphism(early binding)
there in only one class is sufficient to call the overloaded
function.it is predefine that which function want to be call.
that means the linking between function call and object is
resolved at compile time is known as static polymorphism.
dynamic polymorphism(late binding)
class model should be based on inheritance model.virtual
function is used for it.
that means the linking between function call and object is
resolved at run time is known as dynamic polymorphism.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / viveka nanda reddy.
The term 'poly' refers "many"& 'Morphism' refers "forms".In
other words the polymorphism refers to the same name having
different attributes(Behaviour).
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / anil
polymorphism means implementing different functionality's
with the same name and different type of arguments and
different number of parameters.We can achieve polymorphism
using function overloading and function overriding.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
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