What is reference matrix or tracability matrix?

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What is reference matrix or tracability matrix?..

Answer / preethi.v.s

traceability matrix is a document which contains test case
details,whether all the requirement has got individual test
cases or not,

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What is reference matrix or tracability matrix?..

Answer / murali

a document which contains table of linking information
which is used for tracing back for the reference in any
confusion and questionable situations

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What is reference matrix or tracability matrix?..

Answer / vishnuvardhanreddy

above answers right

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What is reference matrix or tracability matrix?..

Answer / n@n!

tracability matrix: mapping between requirents and test
cases is called traceability matrix.

by using this tracability matrix we can trace any missing
test cases.
it is an excel sheet document which consists of
2)requirement ID
3)requirement description
4)test case ID
5)test case Description

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What is reference matrix or tracability matrix?..

Answer / ramprasad.s

RTM is to assure that all the Test Cases mmet the

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What is reference matrix or tracability matrix?..

Answer / harri

RTM is a matrix which is used to trace the requirements
through testcases and ensuring all the requirements are met
or not

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What is reference matrix or tracability matrix?..

Answer / paresh_danej

We use tracebility Matrix to map the test cases with the
requirements. So that we ensure all the requirements are
covered in test cases. With the help of RTM we can measure
the potential risk.

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What is reference matrix or tracability matrix?..

Answer / chiranjeevi.v

it is a document that contains all the test cases as well as the requirements to be satisfied , and it helps the one to map testcases with requirements and also to find gaps between them if there exists any,such that no condition is missed, which may result in major defect once released in to client environment

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What is reference matrix or tracability matrix?..

Answer / mahesh

It is a document to compare the Requirement specification
from the SRS and with the test cases written and to ensure
all the fucntionalities are covered or not

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