pls anyone can help me to write a code to print the values
in words for any value.Example:1034 to print as "one
thousand and thirty four only"

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pls anyone can help me to write a code to print the values in words for any value.Example:1034 to ..

Answer / pavan_mustyala

Hi, This code works for 4 digit numbers(may be with some
minor exceptions). But i am trying a generic approach and
shall update very soon with more nicer solution.
char *arr1[10] =
ne", "Ten"};
char *arr2[10] =
char *arr3[10] =
char *arr4[10] = {"Hundred","Thousand"};

int CountGlobal;

int func(int);
void printWord(int, int);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int num = 2022;
int temp = num;
int count = 0;

// First count the number of digits in the given
temp /= 10;

CountGlobal = count;

while(count && num)
num = func(num);

return 0;

// Functions to print digits in words
int func(int num)
int temp = num;
int count = 0;

while(temp > 9)
temp /= 10;


temp *= 10;

return(num - temp);

void printWord(int num, int count)

case 0:
//printf("%s", arr[num-1]);
case 1:
printf("%s", arr1[num-1]);
case 2:
printf("%s ", arr3[num-1]);
//printf("%s ", arr3[1]);
case 3:
printf("%s ", arr1[num-1]);
printf("%s ", arr4[0]);
case 4:
printf("%s ", arr1[num-1]);
printf("%s ", arr4[1]);
case 5:
//printf("%s", arr[num-1]);

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pls anyone can help me to write a code to print the values in words for any value.Example:1034 to ..

Answer / vin

not sure wether this is the best in performance.
need to use switch case.

string = "";
for lengh of the number
case 1:
string = string + one;
case 2:
string = string + two;
case 3:
string = string + three;


but that gives only letters into numbers.
for ex 1043 will be onezerothreefour

this does not end here, please modify or add.

as this has to be transformed into numebrsystem

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